Wildcats Believe, Wildcats Achieve

Student/Teacher Ratio


140 Students Average K-8th

School starts at 8:00 am, please be in attendance or log in to your class. Attendance is taken morning and afternoon so please be present. If you are absent from online or in-person bring your note to the office. Thank you

Principal's Message

Students, Parents, Guardians, and Staff,


It is with great excitement we, the staff, welcome each and every one of you back to the school building for the 2022-2033 school year. We have been planning and preparing for your return to be as safe as possible following safety mitagation plans from the Centers of Disease Control (CDC) and Navajo Nation guidelines. We have also prepared in the way of providing lessons that will support students in social and emotional learning and community building. This will be a year where we get to learn about each other as we all fall back into a daily school routine we haven’t experienced in approximately two years.

Instructional staff have been planning learning opportunities which will support student academic growth as we return to the classrooms. We will work hard to stay connected with our parents as parental support is important for students to learn. A Parent Advisory Council (PAC) will be reintroduced to the school setting. We have high expectations that parents will join staff to plan how to make our school the best it can be. When we work together, our students will see parents being involved in their education which should lead to student academic growth. Please know that every adult on this campus is ready to serve and support, YOU!

In addition to the school website introduced last year tonaleadayschool.com., this year we will introduce a Face Book page. Once the Face Book page is ready, we will reach out to inform you.

As Ms. Malone stated on her letter, “Together, let’s make this a memorable year.”

Stronger together,

Wildcats Believe! Wildcats Achieve!



Cheryl L. Kaye





